The OfficeRnD Team

April 2022: Private Bookings Are Here!

AUTHOR: The OfficeRnD Team

Private Bookings

Booking flow is the most widely used element of our platform and we are constantly improving this element of the platform.

This month we introduced Private Bookings which allow employees to hide their desk or space reservations from their teammates. This is very important as many employees don’t feel comfortable exposing personal information about which days they are going to the office and where they chose to sit. A private booking is made by clicking on More Options in the booking modal.

Here's how the new feature works:

  • Your booking is visible only to you. All your teammates will see just a gray dot on the floorplan

  • In your profile, your booking won’t be shown and your name won’t be present in the Find Teammate list for the da

  • If you make a private booking in Outlook or Google Calendar it will be synced with OfficeRnD

  • If you make a private booking in OfficeRnD it will be synced with Outlook or Google Calendar

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